Practical training

The study program of Gastronomy places emphasis on practical training, thus students, apart from practical lessons within the practicum in the first two years of study, in the third year have one entire semester exclusively dedicated to practical training. Moreover, in the last year of study, students go on a gastro study trip to italy, where they learn from top experts in a prestigious and award-winning restaurant.

During the 640 hours of practical training, students have the opportunity to learn from famous chefs in top croatian and world restaurants and hotels. This way students acquire specific knowledge and skills applicable in the labour market, and in the best possible way learn about the job they are about to do in the future.

Aspira has established cooperation with a number of elite hospitality companies, whose chefs as well as food and beverage managers are ready to share their knowledge and experiences with students. Students will be able to show the final results of such practice in their final thesis.

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